Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Welcome To Dream With Me

This blog is set up to present research in my pursuit of a doctorate in psychology and education technology. I will present articles I have found for research and papers I am working on or have written in the process. I invite your comments and critique.

I have named this blog in recognizing the Dream each of us has to become greater than who we are or have been and that no dream is impossible for those who dare to live their dreams. You too are welcome to Dream and join me in my quest. For fans of theatre, you probably already recognize the inspiration from The Man of La Mancha.

The story of Don Quijote de la Mancha, a novel written by Miguel de Cervantes in the 17th century tells the tale of a man imprisoned to face the Inquisition - and his defense is the telling of the story of Don Quijote. In the telling of the story, others with him become the characters of the play. So too, I invite you to become actors in this quest I have enjoined upon.

Humbly Yours,
